Guess the Song
Check out new gamemode:
In case of errors, you can specify
the artist's country code:
Other gamemodes:
(songs are generated based on your Spotify)
Guess the Song
In this game, you'll be given a set of lyrics from a song and an image that might be related to the song or its music video. Your task is to guess the title of the song based on these clues. The more correct answers you get, the more points you'll score.
Name the Album (new)
You'll be presented with a list of song titles from a specific music album. Your goal is to guess the name of the album based on these clues. The more correct answers you get, the more points you'll earn.
Guess the Artist*
In this game, you'll be given a set of lyrics from one song by a particular artist, along with an image that might be related to the artist or their music video. Your challenge is to guess the name of the artist based on these clues. The more correct answers you get, the more points you'll score.
Finish the Lyrics*
You'll be presented with the set of lyrics of a song by a particular artist. Your task is to guess the next set of verses in the song. The more correct answers you get, the more points you'll score.
In this game, you'll be presented with a series of random challenges based on the previous game modes we've described. Each challenge will be selected at random, and you may have to guess the artist based on a set of lyrics, finish a verse, guess an album of given artist etc.
*coming soon